X-Ray Tubes & Intensifiers Parts

46 parts found.
#2362872 - LightSpeed/BrightSpeed CT Xtreme Console Image Generator (IG) Computer Node Assy

#989000085661 - MRC600/800 Tube Cooling Unit CU6100

#5136400-4 - GE LightSpeed VCT VDAS Detector Module

Class 3 Outer Module

#KTZ214798 - GE Ultrasound Set 8 caps

GEU included brackets

#T0000FO - GE LightSpeed/BrightSpeed series Fiber Optic Cable Test Service Tool Set

#2354053 - GE 2354053 LightSpeed 16, Pro16, RT16 Watson Detector (is part of 2378661-10)

#2275056 - GE 2275056 Innova Ingrid V2 Pulse Bias Tank (accompanies MX160 tube)

#CXB-750E - Aquilion ONE MCS-7088A Tube

#7115301 - Sensation 10, 16 Straton 120 THA Tube

#989000086742 - Azurion MRC200+ 0407 ROT-GS1004 X-Ray Tube

#D4193M (same as 5145113) - Digital Senographe Essential Apollon Mammography X-Ray Tube

#D3634T - LightSpeed RT, Pro16 HP80 MCS-7079 Mini-Hercules X-Ray Tube

#2354053 - LightSpeed 16, Pro16, RT16 Watson Detector (is part of 2378661-10 / 2358139-3)

#2358139-3 (same as 2378661-10) - LightSpeed Pro16, RT16 HP Gantry GDAS16 Collector Assy

#10430700 - Definition Flash Tube Collimator A Z61

#10430701 - Definition Flash Tube Collimator B Z61

#7274306 - Definition Flash DMS Power Supply II

#10023401 - Definition Flash DAS Controller P44 Power Supply

#989605583901 - Chronos GE Solarix MX165NP/Dunlee DA165NP Replacement

#453577510049 - Chronos GE Performix 40 Replacement”

#989000085103 - Philips 989000085103 Allura FD20 MRC200 0407 ROT-GS1004 X-Ray Tube

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